Our Lady of the Rosary Collection
My art practice developed in tandem with my devotion to the rosary.
It seems only fitting that my first collection honors the role that the rosary has played in my artistic journey.

"Let us run to Mary, and, as her little children, cast ourselves into her arms with a perfect confidence."
—St. Francis de Sales
The Transfiguration (Luminous Mysteries)
14x11” ink on Bristol Board, $425
To quote St. Augustine, “Our heart is restless until it rests in you, Lord.” I pray this image of Jesus, arms open wide, reminds you to search for him every day, and those brief glimpses of his glory (like the biblical Transfiguration) strengthen your faith.
The Agony in the Garden (Sorrowful Mysteries)
9x12” ink on Bristol board, $400
I took a picture of the statue used for this drawing the day after the miscarriage of our third child, not knowing what the statue represented. When I started researching statues depicting Jesus in the garden months later, I immediately recognized this one on Google images. What a sweet God-wink! He drew me to this statue, and its spiritual fruits, long before I knew I needed it. Our prayers sounded so similar to those of Jesus in the garden: “God, we wish we could hold this child on earth, but we accept your will.”
Sacred art connects us to God.
I pray that whenever you see my art in your home, you are inspired to say a spontaneous prayer of praise, thanksgiving, or invocation.